
Sunday 26 August 2018

Canine Covers in honor of National Dog Day

Pick your favorite. Mine's the German Shepherd in the Argosy.

Adventure, July 18, 1919 cover by James Reynolds
Adventure, July 18, 1919 cover by James Reynolds
Argosy, February 7, 1925 cover by Charles Livingstone Bull
Argosy, February 7, 1925 cover by Charles Livingston Bull
Blue Book, February 1934 cover by Joseph C. Chenoweth
Blue Book, February 1934 cover by Joseph C. Chenoweth
The Popular Magazine, March 20, 1916 cover by John A. Coughlin
The Popular Magazine, March 20, 1916 cover by John A. Coughlin
Short Stories January 10th, 1941 cover by A.R. Tilburne
Short Stories January 10th, 1941 cover by A.R. Tilburne
Western Story Magazine, August 31, 1931 cover by Sidney Riesenberg
Western Story Magazine, August 31, 1931 cover by Sidney Riesenberg

Possibly the silliest pulp cover ever to feature a dog Weird Tales October, 1925 cover by Andrew Brosnatch
Possibly the silliest pulp cover ever to feature a dog
Weird Tales October, 1925 cover by Andrew Brosnatch


  1. I like the WESTERN STORY cover. I bet every trail drive had dogs to warn against rustlers or indians, not to mention rattlesnakes.

  2. I don't know if they used cattle dogs for herding in the west, though sheep dogs were definitely used. My copy of The old-time cowhand, by Ramon F. Adams, doesn't mention it. This might have been a hunting dog, perhaps a retriever.

    Florida, though, had cowboys using herd dogs. Article here talks about it.
